Pineal® Notte | Laborest

Pineal® Notte

Sleep is defined as a state of rest that is opposite to being awake. Physiological sleep is characterised by REM and NON-REM stages. Deep sleep is experienced during the REM stages, when you enter the oneiric stage. Sleep problems are very common; if persistent, they can negatively affect daily activities, altering psycho-physical wellbeing. Stress and anxiety are common factors that may accompany these problems also affecting the quality of sleep.

Product details

Pharmaceutical form

12 ml bottle, gluten-free  Gluten free  Lactose-free


Food supplement containing Melatonin which reduces the time required to drift off.

Melatonin is a crucial hormone during physiological sleep: it reduces the time required to drift off* and is useful also to reduce jet lag symptoms in the case of long trips**.
It is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland and its main effects include the stabilisation of REM (Rapid Eyes Movement) stages.
* The beneficial effect is obtained by taking 1 mg of melatonin shortly before bedtime.
** The beneficial effect is obtained by taking, shortly before bedtime, at least 0.5 mg of melatonin on the first day of the trip and for the first few days after arrival.
The spray nanoemulsion  formulation of PINEAL® NOTTE spray facilitates its use. Sublingual administration ensures rapid absorption of the product, for enhanced bioavailability.

Place the dispenser in your mouth, preferably under your tongue. Release one spray into your mouth, equivalent to 1 mg of melatonin, in the evening just before bedtime.
Take PINEAL® NOTTE spray for the time and with the frequency that is best suited to your needs.
PINEAL® NOTTE spray can be taken also by people who are gluten or lactose intolerant or sensitive.

No cases of addiction have been reported in connection with product usage. The product does not cause daytime drowsiness.

The PINEAL® NOTTE line includes PINEAL® NOTTE FAST, drops that promote sleep, PINEAL® NOTTE RETARD, to solve the problem of waking at night and PINEAL® NOTTE D with Melatosoma® and Vitamina D.

Nutrition facts

Average quantity of characterising components
Components Per spray
Melatonin 1 mg